Frequently Asked Questions

What can an advocate or education consultant do for me?

An education consultant or advocate can add value to your team. We know we are but one piece in the overall picture. We often serve as a hub of communication between all parties making sure the overall plan and priorities are aligned. Many school programs or community providers look at their role, but we look at the overall big picture helping to ensure your child has access to appropriate supports to meet their needs. Sometimes parents just need a gut check with someone who has a frame of reference for the issues they are facing. We work with families to review education documents and analyze the information. We work with families to help prioritize goals and programming for their child as creative problem solvers. Sometimes families are overwhelmed by the process and just need guidance and someone to stand by them to ensure their child is receiving everything they can.


Will the district or IU become more defensive if I bring an advocate?

We hear this question a lot. Most of the time conflicts happen because expectations are not aligned. Working with someone who knows the system, how to access resources and support, and can communicate with the team is valuable. Some families come to us just to work behind the scenes. We tailor our services to meet the individual needs of our families. Sometimes that can change across their child’s lifetime. Support should feel supportive, so we work in whatever capacity the situation requires. Many school teams are grateful for our involvement because we have worked in school settings so we know what is possible and can be more creative in developing a plan.


What happens after my child leaves high school?

Parents describe this as falling off the proverbial cliff. We have worked hard to ensure that our families never feel that way. Brittney has a special focus on transition age students. We want to relieve as much anxiety about the future no matter which plan you create for your child. We work collaboratively with parents to individualize a plan that looks at strengths and areas of interest. Brittney is connected to the adult community and provides access to resources and information supporting families each step along the way.